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Winter Sport


Rugby is a winter sport which is played in the 2nd and 3rd terms.  At Huguenot, the focus of our coaching falls on the development of skills, participation and the joy of taking part in this sport.

The different teams are coached by teachers and students. To maintain the highest standard of coaching, a “BokSmart” course is attended by coaches every second year.

Huguenot offers mini rugby for u/7s to u/9s. The focus here is on the development and growth of each player. Our main aim is the development of the sport and to ensure that as many as possible of our learners are given the chance to participate.


Netball coaching at Huguenot is about much more than the acquiring of skills such as coordination, focus, perseverance and the development and the development strategic thinking ability. The focus is also on skills that could be of benefit you in different aspects of life.

Netball as a game, teaches you that no individual player can operate independently on court, something that we, as Huguenot Primary School, apply not only on court, but also in our daily lives. Everybody has to work together and use their skills in order to bring about a positive outcome.  This attitude means that we achieve great success, on and off the court, annually.

Grades R,1,2 and 3 learners play mini netball. We can accommodate large numbers of these enthusiastic young players and ensure a strong basis for continued success for our older teams. At Huguenot’s mini netball the focus is the development of skills and these payers take part in friendly tournaments, while our older teams play competitively.


Hockey is a school sport which are coached and played mostly in the second and third term.

It is a popular sport which is played by both girls and boys.

At Huguenot the professional hockey coaches focus on the development of our players’ fitness, speed, strength, stick and ball skills, as well as mobility and positional awareness during a game.

Our u/7, u/8 and u/9 players take part in mini hockey. here the main aim is to cultivate a love for the sport, as well as to develop team spirit and sportsmanship amongst these young players. Every child gets the opportunity to take part and to practice their skills in every position. In this way the foundation for continued participation and achievement.

The u/10, u/11 and u/12 and 13 learners play “senior” hockey and they take part in formal league games. These games are played during the 2nd and 3rd terms and our teams perform well every year. Huguenot boasts with several provincial players annually.


At Huguenot, we utilize all the advantages that cross country offers. The general fitness of our learners is increased by taking part in this sport. It is obviously an asset when they represent our school in other sports.

In the 2nd and 3rd terms, we take part in school league races. At the end of the season, the learners who have qualified go through to the provincial and national championships.


Chess develops your brain muscles…

At Huguenot, chess is not only a sport, but also a place where strategic thinking, problem solving skills and concentration are combined while having lots of fun.

Our chess players can join the chess lessons and take part in competitions throughout the year. A highly qualified outside coach, in conjunction with our chess teachers, coach our emerging chess stars.  Our teams often take part in various competitions.